Who we are?

SUSTAINABLE partners, coming from 8 different European countries noticed that changing our ways of producing and consuming is notoriously difficult, but believing that education is a powerful tool in empowering individuals and groups, boosting voluntary action and helping people and organisations through the transition so they understand and enhance sustainability in Everyday life.

What do we aim for?

To enhance adult trainer’s competencies to become capable of:
- affecting holistic sustainable change,
- transforming values and culture,
- healing the earth and human communities, and designing creative solutions.

How we’ll get there?

In order to give the opportunity to trainers’ for engaging in learning processes that reflect and emphasise sustainable change, the following learning/teaching materials will be produced:
- LET’S UNDERSTAND - Sustainability guide
- LET’S PLAN IT - Training handbook guidelines
- LET’S BE PRACTICAL - Training kit

As a teacher, you have great oportunity

We help you understand and take action in the global fight for:

NO poverty, ZERO hunger

Good health for all

Quality education

Clean energy

Sustainable communities

and many more...

double_arrowto train and educate the adults of the future to plant the seed of a sustainable world

Join us today

Join us today
Our learning platform is FREE to use! You only need to register in order to get access to updated learning materials about:
- what sustainability is about;
- how to plan and design effective sustainability related lessons;
- tools, methods and training materials, which can help you in your teaching.

Our news

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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